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Taufik Rizal Dwi Adi Nugroho



Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) saat ini sedang menggiatkan pendidikan kewirausahaan untuk menumbuhkan jiwa dan perilaku berwirausaha serta wadah bagi mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha. Selain itu Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional telah meluncurkan Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha (PMW) untuk dilaksanakan dan dikembangkan oleh perguruan tinggi, termasuk di UTM. PPMW bertujuan untuk memberikan bekal pengetahuan, keterampilan dan jiwa wirausaha (entrepreneurship) berbasis IPTEKS kepada para mahasiswa agar menjadi pengusaha yang tangguh dan sukses menghadapi persaingan global. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kewirausahaan mahasiswa UTM. Variabel yang diamati terdiri atas ciri-ciri kepribadian wirausaha meliputi dorongan untuk berprestasi, rasa tanggung jawab, sikap terhadap resiko, percaya diri, menggunakan umpan balik, orientasi jangka panjang, kemampuan dan ketrampilan manajerial, dan sikap terhadap uang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Dari 8 karakteristik jiwa kewirausahaan yang menjadi variabel penelitian hanya karakteristik berorientasi jangka panjang saja yang banyak di miliki oleh oleh responden dalam tahapan tinggi, yaitu 70%. Sedangkan ke 7 karakteristik jiwa kewirausahaan yang lainnya seperti dorongan berprestasi, rasa tanggung jawab, sikap terhadap risiko, rasa percaya diri, menggunakan umpan balik, kemampuan manajerial dan sikap terhadap uang sudah dimiliki oleh para responden meskipun pada tahap sedang. Hasil lain penelitian inin menunjukkan presentase mahasiswa UTM yang memiliki cita-cita untuk usaha mandiri (wirausahawan) hanya sebesar 36,2%. Sisanya sebesar 63,8% memiliki cita-cita sebagai pegawai, baik karyawan swasta mapun PNS.

Kata kunci : karakteristik, jiwa kewirausahaan, wirausahawan, entrepreneurship


Enterpreneurship education is becoming one main concern at University of Trunojoyo Madura. Through this education, it is expected to be a basic skill for the students to be an enterpreneur in their life, now and future.This policy is in line with the program launched by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture in term of Students’ Enterpreneurship Program. This program is conducted in all higher education institutions in Indonesia including University of Trunojoyo Madura. Students’ Enterpreneurship Program aims at providing some basic knowledge and skills of enterpreneurship based on science and technology to the university students in order to become a formidable and successful enterpreneur to face the global competition. There are only few students of University of Trunojoyo Madura utilize themselves to take advantages from the enterpreneurship education provided by the university as a good opportunity to become an enterpreneur. Based on the fact, the study is conducted to identify the characteristics of students’ enterpreneurship at University of Trunojoyo Madura. The variables observed consist of the characteristics of enterpreneurship. They are achievement impulse, sense of responsibility, attitude toward risk, self-confidence, the use of feedback, long-term orientation, managerial skills, and attitude toward money. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Results of the study show that from the eight characteristics of enterpreneurship available in this study, there is only a long-term orientation owned by the respondents. It shows a high percentage in 70%. Meanwhile, the rest seven characteristics available such as achievement impulse, sense of responsibility, attitude toward risk, self-confidence, the use of feedback, managerial skills, and attitude toward money are also owned by the respondents although still in intermediate scale. Another result shows that there is only 36.2% of the students of University of Trunojoyo want to be an enterpreneur, while the rest, 63.8% of the students are interested in becoming an employee, either in private or government official.

Keywords: characteristics, enterpreneurship, enterpreneur

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Prosiding Sosial
Biografi Penulis

Taufik Rizal Dwi Adi Nugroho, Unipdu (Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum) http://www.unipdu.ac.id/

Prodi Agribisnis Universitas Trunojoyo Madura