Irta Fitriana
Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang
Saat ini, banyak kita jumpai buku cerita anak yang semakin variatif beredar di pasaran. Berbagai cerita anak dalam bentuk dongeng, cerita bergambar, dan cerita pendek telah diterbitkan di Indonesia baik dalam majalah maupun buku. Sayangnya, sebagian besar karya sastra anak yang beredar bukanlah merupakan karya asli dari negeri sendiri melainkan terjemahan dari karya sastra asing dan karya sastra inilah yang cenderung disukai anak- anak karena sedikit banyak kepopulerannya turut didongkrak oleh media pengusung budaya populer seperti televisi dan film. Selain itu kisah- kisah dalam cerita terjemahan lebih variatif ketimbang cerita tentang sastra negeri sendiri yang lebih bersifat monoton (menggurui). Â Namun, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah cara menciptakan hasil terjemahan yang baik dan berkualitas bagi anak bukan perihal mudah. Makalah ini mengulas tentang beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penerjemahan karya sastra anak.
Kata kunci: sastra anak, sastra terjemahan, domestikasi
Currently, we have encountered many a children's book that the variety on the market. Various children's story in the form of fairy tales, picture books, and short stories have been published in Indonesia, both in magazines and books. Unfortunately, most of the outstanding children's literature is not an original work of their own country but the translation of foreign literature and literary works that tend to like little kids because a lot of its popularity also boosted by the bearer of popular culture media such as television and movies. Besides the stories in translation stories are more varied than the story of his own country which is more literary monotonous (patronizing). However, that needs to be addressed is how to create a good translation results and the quality of the child is not an easy subject. The paper reviews some of the things that need to be considered in the translation of children's literature.
Keywords: children's literature, literary translation, domestication
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Prodi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Bisnis dan Bahasa
Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
Kompleks Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum
Rejoso Peterongan Jombang Jawa Timur 61481