Campaign Analysis Pin Polio 2016 In Kediri City : A Rapid Convenience Assesment


  • Nia Sari



The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of campaign for all the baby’s mothers knowledge and information source toward the participation on PIN (Weekly National Immunization) in Kediri City. Research design of this study is Case Control Study with sample  60 mothers who have 0-59 months old baby, taken from Puskesmas that did not meet the target PIN. The result of this study covers the knowledge of the baby’s mothers (55,1%) have good knowledge, about source of information (=3 sources of information) which is 91,7%.  Source of  information coming from television (32,6%) and health workers (25%). The participation of the baby’s mothers on PIN program (91,7%). Based on logistic regression  test,  level of significance is 0,004. It means there is significant influence between the knowledge of baby’s mothers toward their participation on PIN program in Kediri City.The role of health promotion in improving the knowledge and awareness of people in society toward the importance of immunization is very needed, both in the routine immunization ad addition immunization. So the case of PD3I (Penyakit yang Dapat Dicegah dengan Imunisasi), can be prevented and controlled.


Key Words : Campaign,  Knowledge,  Source of Information, Participation




