Hubungan Sikap Dan Motivasi dengan Prestasi Belajar KDPK Di Prodi D-III Kebidanan F I K Unipdu Jombang


  • Sabrina Dwi Prihartini



Education is a process of inculcating and developing in the learner, attitude in life so that later can distinguish the right and wrong. To be able to maximize the need to have the motivation can also maximize achievement.The type of this research is analytic research with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in Prodi.  D-III Kebidanan FIK UNIPDU Jombang. The population of this study is the second semester students in Prodi. D-III Kebidanan FIK UNIPDU Jombang as many as 95 students, the sample is 70 students. Data processing using SPSS Version 15 program, data analysis by using multiple linear regression, multivariate correlation.The result showed that the correlation coefficient of attitude variable was 0,234 <rtabel 0,235. It shows relationship of attitude variable with learning achievement variable is low, because value 0,234 is at interval 0,20 - 0,399 at interperetation table to correlation coefficient. While the correlation coefficient of learning motivation variables of 0.551> rtabel 0.235. This shows the relationship of learning motivation with learning achievement variable is medium, because the value of 0,551 is at interval 0,40 - 0,599 in table interperetasi to correlation coefficient.It can be concluded that there is a low correlation or correlation between attitude and motivation with learning achievement. Lecturers should provide comprehensive direction and objectives to the students to understand the importance of the KDPK course.

Keywords: Attitude, Motivation, Learning Achievement


