Analisa Pimpinan Persalinan Dengan Lama Persalinan Pada Ibu Bersalin Di Bps Ny. Nursofi Umamah Kecamatan Ngunut Kabupaten Tulungagung


  • Candra Wahyuni




The problems that encourage high MMR and IMR, one of which is a prolonged labor. One effort made to keep his who happened to be effective is to implement effective labor leader. The purpose of this study was to knowing the analysis of labor leaders with a long labor in Gravida in BPS Ny. Nursofi Umamah Tulungagung subdistrict Ngunut. This study design is observation with cross sectional approach. By using purposive sampling technique obtained sample of 30 respondents. Independent variable is the labor leader while the dependent variable is duration of labor. Analysis that are used spearman rho. The results showed that most respondents have a labor leader in the category of non-cooperative, which is 18 respondents (60.0%), whereas in the duration of labor almost half of respondents had long confinement in the normal categories, namely 14 respondents (46.7%). Results using the Spearman rho test showed p-value = 0.000 <a = 0,05 so that H0 rejected and H1accepted meaning there is a labor leader to the duration of labor at gravida at BPS Ny. Nursofi Umamah Tulungagung subdistrict Ngunut. Leaders can encourage his labor to operate more effectively in supporting the delivery process and can save energy maternal, his has a very important role to push the fetus down before the process is taken over by the pressure of the pelvic muscles of the birth canal.

 Keywords: Gravida, Leadership Maternity, Old Labor


