Hubungan Antara Dukungan Pemilihan Program Study dengan Indeks Prestasi di Akademi Kebidanan

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Dewi Triloka Wulandari
Siti Aisyah



Nilai Indek Presatasi (IP) dari total jumlah 70 mahasiswi (Kelas IA: 37 Mahasiswi, dan Kelas IB: 34 Mahasiswi ) IP ≥ 3,00 adalah 18 Mahasiswi (25,35 %), IP ≥ 2,75 adalah 21 Mahasiswi (29,57 %), dan IP ≥ 2,00 adalah 32 Mahasiswi (45,07 %). Desain penelitian adalah  Analitik Korelasional, pendekatan Cross sectional, dilaksanakan bulan Juni sampai Agustus. Populasinya 70 responden, cara pengambilan sampelnya adalah total sampling menggunakan data primer melalui Interview. Sampel 70 responden, dianalisis dengan uji Korelasi Kendal Tau menggunakan program komputer. Hasil penelitian yaitu (dukungan rendah, IPK cukup yaitu 15 mahasiswi (93,75 %), dukungan sedang, IPK memuaskan yaitu 15 mahasiswi (46,87 %), dan dukungan tinggi, IPK sangat memuaskan yaitu 16 orang (72,72 %)). setelah di analisa dengan uji Korelasi Kendal Tau di peroleh Ï value 0,000;α 0.05, artinya ada hubungan antara dukungan pemilihan program study dengan indeks prestasi. Saran adalah meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan agar lebih baik.

Kata Kunci : Dukungan Pemilihan Program Study, Indeks Prestasi



This is indicated by the index Presatasi (IP) of the total number of 70 students (Class IA: 37 Student, and Class IB: 34 Student) IP ≥ 3.00 were 18 student (25.35%), IP ≥ 2.75 is 21 student (29.57%), and IP ≥ 2.00 is 32 student (45.07%). Design used in this study were of Analytical Correlational Cross-sectional approach, which was held from June to August. A population size of 7o respondent How to capture the sample is the total sampling by using primary data through interviews. A sample size of 70 respondents were then analyzed with the Kendal Tau Correlation test using a computer program. The results obtained of significant by the data (the support of parents is quite low with a GPA of 15 students (93.75%), parental support is satisfactory with a GPA of 15 students (46.87%), and the support of parents with a high GPA is very satisfactory at 16 people (72.72%)). And after the analysis with Kendal Tau Correlation test was obtained Ï value 0.000; α 0.05, meaning there is a relationship between electoral support for the program study with performance index. Suggestion put forward is preferably further improve the quality of education and further research needs to be done for the better.

Keywords: Electoral Support Program Study, Achievement Index

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Prosiding Kesehatan
Biografi Penulis

Dewi Triloka Wulandari, Unipdu (Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum)

Prodi D-III Kebidanan FIK UNIPDU

Siti Aisyah, Unipdu (Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum)

Prodi D-III Kebidanan FIK UNIPDU