Tawaran Komplementer Hadis Nabi Untuk Gagasan “The Right Man On The Right Job”: Penelitian dan Pemahaman Hadis “Idh? Wussida al-Amr ila Ghayri Ahli-hi fa-Inta?ir al-S?‘ah”
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Sumber Daya Manusia, Hadis Nabi/ Management of Islamic Education, Human Resources, Had?th of The ProphetAbstract
Abstrak: Artikel ini berupaya menangkap tawaran komplementer hadis Nabi yang berbunyi, “idh? wussida al-amr il? ghayri ahli-hi fa-intazir al-s?‘ah” (jika urusan dikuasakan kepada bukan-ahlinya maka tunggulah hari kiamat) untuk salah satu gagasan manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang sudah tidak asing lagi, yaitu “the right man on the right job” (orang yang tepat ditempatkan pada pekerjaan yang tepat), khususnya dalam konteks pendidikan Islam. Sekilas, kedua ungkapan tersebut tampak sama, namun jika ditelaah lebih mendalam sebenarnya yang pertama bisa melengkapi dan menyempurnakan yang kedua. Walaupun hadis tersebut disampaikan sekitar 14 abad yang lalu, namun sikap apatis terhadap gagasan manajerial yang terkandung di dalamnya sebaiknya dikesampingkan dahulu, mengingat Rasulullah, sang penutur hadis, adalah seorang “manajer” bahkan leader di berbagai bidang, termasuk “pendidikan”. Dengan terlebih dahulu memastikan otentisitas dan validitas hadis Nabi tersebut—dengan mengaplikasikan teori-teori penelitian hadis konvensional, di sini akan diungkap sisi komplementer hadis “idh? wussida al-amr il? ghayri ahli-hi fa-intazir al-s?‘ah” untuk gagasan “the right man on the right job”. Asal hadis Nabi tidak dipandang secara kaku dan tekstual, tawaran komplementernya terhadap konsep-konsep dan gagasan-gagasan manajerial sebenarnya tidak patut dikesampingkan, apalagi dilupakan.
Abstract: This article attempts to capture a complementary offer of Prophetic had?th, which says, “idh? wussida al-amr ila ghayri ahli-hi fa-intazir al-s?‘ah” (if cases given to the non-experts then wait for the doomsday) for one of the human resource management idea, which is already familiar, namely “the right man on the right job,” especially in the context of Islamic education. At first glance, those two words seem have the same mean, but when examined more deeply the first one can complement and enhance the latter. Although the had?th is delivered about 14 centuries ago, but apathy toward the managerial ideas contained in it should be ruled out, because the Prophet Muhammad—narrator of the had?th—is a “manager” and even a leader in many fields, including the “education.” Firstly, verifying the authenticity and validity of the had?th must be conducted. By applying the theories of conventional research of had?th, the complementary side of the had?th that says, “idh? wussida ila al-amr ghayri ahli-hi fa-intazir al-s?‘ah,” for the idea that says, “the right man on the right job,” will be revealed here. As long as the Prophet’s had?th is not viewed as rigid and textual, complementary offer to the concepts and ideas of managerial actually not be dismissed and forgotten.
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