Pengembangan dan analisis kualitas sistem monitoring kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa tingkat sekolah menengah atas negeri di jombang
Monitoring siswa merupakan bentuk proses pengawasan sekolah terhadap kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa, salah satunya di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri atau SMAN Mojoagung, Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Monitoring siswa tersebut meliputi jurnal kelas, presensi siswa dan capaian kompetensi dasar siswa. Proses pengolahan monitoring yang berjalan selama ini memiliki beberapa kendala, diantaranya 1) Belum tersedianya rekapitulasi absensi per mata pelajaran, sehingga guru mata pelajaran kesulitan memonitor kehadiran siswa ketika mata pelajaran sedang berlangsung; dan 2) Tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik capaian kompetensi dasar yang telah diajarkan pada tiap mata pelajaran, yang akhirnya mempengaruhi kualitas proses belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan kendala yang dialami, perlu dibangun sebuah sistem informasi yang mampu mengakomodasi pengelolaan proses aktivitas belajar mengajar meliputi pelaporan jurnal kelas, rekapitulasi absesi kehadiran siswa per mata pelajaran, dan laporan capaian kompetensi dasar. Pengembangan sistem informasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan Waterfall. Sistem monitoring ini menggunakan tiga aspek pengujian, diantaranya efficiency, reliability, dan usability berdasarkan Web Quality Evaluation Method (WebQEM). Hasilnya menunjukkan rata-rata loadtime 2,78 detik dan rata-rata pagesize 190,52 KB pada kecepatan internet 20,98 Mbps, serta persentase session, pages dan hits dengan nilai 99% dengan 25 data pada pengujian efficiency. Pengujian reliability menunjukkan performa yang baik karena mampu mengakomodasi 600 user yang menangani 1.085 request dan throughput 227,098/menit dengan 0% error dari total 5.322 data yang tersimpan. Sedangkan pengujian usability yang melibatkan 322 responden memiliki persentase 76,72% yang masuk kategori baik. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut aplikasi mampu menangani permintaan data dalam jumlah besar dan memastikan kehandalan server mengakomodasi akses seluruh siswa SMAN Mojoagung.
Student monitoring is the form of school's supervision process on the teaching and learning activities at SMAN Mojoagung, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which includes the class journals, student's attendance, and students' achievement of basic competencies. However, the recent monitoring process has had some obstacles, including 1) The absence of recapitulation of students' attendance in each lesson which makes it difficult for the teacher to monitor the students' attendance in the teaching and learning process; and 2) poor documentation of the students' achievements of basic competencies in each lesson, which ultimately affects the quality of the teaching and learning process. Based on the obstacles, it is crucial to build a web-based information system which is capable to accommodate the supervision process of the teaching and learning activity involving class journal report, recapitulation of the students' attendance in each lesson and the report of basic-competence achievement. The approach of this current research in this information system development used Waterfall method. The approach of this current research in this information system development used Waterfall method. The developed monitoring system used three aspects of testing, including efficiency, reliability, and usability based on the Web Quality Evaluation Method (WebQEM). The results showed an average loadtime of 2.78 seconds and an average pagesize of 190.52 KB at 20.98 Mbps internet speed as well as a percentage of sessions, pages, and hits of 99% in the efficiency testing on 25 data. The reliability testing showed proper performance since it could accommodate 600 users which handle 1,085 Request and 227.098/minute Throughput with 0% Error from the total of 5,322 saved data. Meanwhile, the usability testing involving 322 respondents showed a percentage of 76.72% and were categorized as good. Based the test results, the application was able to handle a large amount of data demand and ensured the reliability of the server in accommodating the access to all students of SMAN Mojoagung.
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