Peer Review

All manuscripts submitted to JRFLT: Journal of Research in Foreign Language Teaching are subjected to a thorough screening and review process to ensure that they fit within the scope of the journal and are of sufficient academic quality and novelty to appeal to the journal's readership. The journal uses double-blind peer review (double anonymous review), which conceals the identities of both the author(s) and the reviewers.

Initial Screening
A newly submitted manuscript will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that it meets the scope and basic submission requirements of JRFLT: Journal of Research in Foreign Language Teaching

If the manuscript passes the preliminary screening, it will be assigned to a handling editor, who will then send it to at least two experts in the relevant field for double-blind peer review. Manuscripts that do not pass the preliminary screening will be rejected without further consideration.

First Decision
A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will be made only after at least two review reports have been received. At this point, a manuscript can be rejected, asked for minor or major revisions, accepted, or recommended for resubmission for a second review process (if significant changes to the language or content are required). If the manuscript is accepted, it will be returned to the submitting author for formatting. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript based on the recommendation of the handling editor and approval by the board of editors.

Stage of revision
A manuscript that needs to be revised will be returned to the submitting author, who will have up to three weeks to format and revise it before it is reviewed by the handling editor. The handling editor will decide whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) responded sufficiently to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed insufficient, the cycle will be repeated (the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).

Stage of final decision
The revised manuscript will be accepted or rejected at this point. This decision is based on whether the handling editor believes the manuscript has been improved to the point where it is publishable. The manuscript will be rejected if the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so in a manner that falls short of JRFLT: Journal of Research in Foreign Language Teaching's standards.

Estimation time for the duration of peer review process until the manuscript getting accepted in this journal: six until twelve weeks.