Designing mobile farmer application using object oriented analysis and design


  • Abdul Mufti Indraprasata PGRI University
  • Desi Novianti Indraprasata PGRI University
  • Dewi Anjani Indraprasata PGRI University


agriculture, Android, mobile, e-Farmers, pertanian


Sistem e-farmers merupakan sebuah sistem penjualan berbasis teknologi (e-commerce) yang dapat diakses melalui website, digunakan untuk membantu para petani menjual hasil pertanian berupa beras secara langsung ke konsumen. Namun dengan adanya kendala dalam hal kepemilikan perangkat komputer dan laptop, petani maupun konsumen yang merupakan pengakses website beralih menggunakan perangkat mobile. Dengan alasan ini, maka peneliti membuat sebuah sistem e-farmers yang awalnya berupa website dapat juga diakses melalui perangkat mobile dengan sistem operasi Android. Karena sistem berbasis website berbeda dengan sistem berbasis mobile, untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah perancangan sistem e-farmer yang berbasis mobile yang akan terintegrasi dengan sistem berbasis website. Di mana metode yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development (R&D), yang mana mengembangkan sistem yang sudah ada dan hasil akhirnya menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa rancangan sistem aplikasi e-farmers yang dapat berkerja di platform Android.



E-farmers system is a technology-based commerce system (e-commerce) that can be accessed via a website, used for assisting farmers in selling rice product directly to consumers. However, due to the constraint in the ownership of computer and laptop, farmers and consumers as the users of the website now use mobile devices instead. For this reason, the researcher developed an e-farmers system that was initially only accessible via the website but now can be accessed via mobile devices with the Android operating system. Because the website-based system and mobile-based system are different, it is necessary to have a mobile-based e-farmer system design that is integrated with the website-based system. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) method by developing the existing system, and the final product was in the form of a design of e-farmer application system that can work on Android platform.


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Author Biographies

Abdul Mufti, Indraprasata PGRI University

Informatics Engineering

Desi Novianti, Indraprasata PGRI University

Informatics Engineering

Dewi Anjani, Indraprasata PGRI University

Informatics Engineering


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How to Cite

A. Mufti, D. Novianti, and D. Anjani, “Designing mobile farmer application using object oriented analysis and design”, Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 105–113, Jul. 2017.


