Designing Halal Product Traceability System using UML and Integration of Blockchain with ERP


  • Adhi Kusnadi Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tanggerang, (Scopus Author ID: 57202780044; h-index Scopus 2)
  • Yandra Arkeman
  • Khaswar Syamsu
  • Sony Hartono Wijaya


Halal Food, Traceability, ERP, Blockchain, Smart Contract


Consuming halal food is mandatory for Muslims, but meeting the growing demand for halal products has been a challenge for Muslim producers. Importing halal products from non-Muslim countries can raise doubts about their halal status. Therefore, a traceability system is needed to ensure the halalness of products. This research proposes a new traceability system by utilizing ERP, Blockchain, and smart contract technologies based on HAS 23000. This study is the first to combine these technologies. Using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, the design diagram has been successfully developed into an application system prototype. The use of ERP can help companies reduce operational costs, while the combination with blockchain technology ensures more transparent information, data protection, and system security. The system also uses smart contracts to make automated decisions. By managing the procurement of halal products, companies can ensure that products with halal assurance reach consumers.


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Author Biography

Adhi Kusnadi, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tanggerang, (Scopus Author ID: 57202780044; h-index Scopus 2)

Department of Informatics


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How to Cite

A. Kusnadi, Y. Arkeman, K. Syamsu, and S. H. Wijaya, “Designing Halal Product Traceability System using UML and Integration of Blockchain with ERP”, Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 29–41, Feb. 2023.


