Development of GWIDO: An Augmented Reality-based Mobile Application for Historical Tourism



Augmented Reality, Business Model, Object Tracking, Navigation, E-Tourism, mobile application


This research aimed to design and reconstruct a business model for an augmented reality (AR) camera mobile application for historical tourism at Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon. The goal was to utilize AR technology to provide an immersive and informative experience for tourists. The research addressed several main problems, including navigation and historical information through object tracking, by implementing an online application with features such as Indonesian and English language instructions to better serve domestic and foreign tourists. The research also aimed to investigate the benefits of using AR technology for object tracking and navigation and to explore how these aspects could be related to creating a formula that supports each other in addressing the formulated problems. Through the development of the GWIDO application, a positive impact on the development of historical tourist attractions was observed. This can be seen from the usefulness of its features such as AR navigation, which can be used as a virtual guide. The data collected was used to design and reconstruct the business model, which was implemented and tested to collect additional data for analysis. The final results of the research showed that the AR camera mobile application was effective in providing an immersive and informative experience for tourists. The redesigned business model improved the utilization of AR technology in the tourism industry. Based on the test results, the average response time for object distance between 0.1 meters to 0.5 meters was between 1.45 to 2.07 seconds, and the average time for object distance from visitors was between 3.15 to 4.71 seconds with a confidence level of 95%. Meanwhile, testing for navigation features using augmented reality is very dependent on the internet signal used on the user's device. The level of accuracy of objects that have been placed at certain coordinates is determined by how well the internet network performs, allowing objects to appear precisely according to their coordinates.


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Author Biographies

Faisal Akbar, Diponegoro University

Faisal Akbar received his bachelor degree (S.Kom.) in Informatics Engineering from Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on 2016. He also received master degree (M.T.) in Electrical Engineering with expertise on Computer Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 2018. His research interests are Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, E-Business, and Mobile Computing. He has held five workshops about Arduino, E-Business, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence as a Keynote Speaker for high school student and also college student. He is a lecturer of Informatics Engineering and also responsible person of Robotics College Student Activity Units on Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Poltek Cirebon.

Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Diponegoro University

Prof. Dr. Hadiyanto, MSc received his BSc of Chemical Engineering from Diponegoro University in 1998 and MSc of Bioprocess Engineering from Wageningen University, The Netherlands in 2003. While the degree of Ph.D. has been obtained in 2007 from Wageningen University, Netherlands. After finishing his Ph.D., he had an opportunity to work as a scientist at NIZO Food Research BV Netherlands (2007-2009), and Research Associate at Process Intensification Group at TU DELFT Netherlands (2009-2010). Besides these works, he has also been invited as visiting research fellow at KU Leuven Belgium (2011), Kyoto University (2012) and DTU Denmark (2014). He is also actively involved in Sustainable Energy and Environmental (SEE) Forum, UNDIP green metric task force and coordinating world-class university program since 2016. In 2016, he was appointed as the head of a master program in environmental science, school of postgraduate studies and appointed as full professor on May 2017 in the field of bioprocess engineering.

Catur Edi Widodo, Diponegoro University

Dr. Catur Edi Widodo, MT received his master degree (M.T.) in Informatics Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1998. He also received doctoral degree (Dr.) in Physics from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in 2015. His research interests are Software Engineering, Industrial Electronics, Database, Computational Physics, Simulation and Modeling. He has written 2 (two) books with the title are Interfacing Port Paralel dan Port Serial Komputer dengan Visual Basic 6.0 and Tips Coding Interfacing Port USB dan Port Serial. He used to be a speaker at The 2nd Diponegoro Physiscs Conference 2015 with the title of his scientific article is Sinogram Interpolation Algorithm. He has done some community service in last 5 years regarding E-Business. He is also actively conducts reasearch in an effort to help treat tumors. He is a lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), who has expertise in Instrumentation Physics and Electronics.


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How to Cite

Faisal Akbar, H. Hadiyanto, and Catur Edi Widodo, “Development of GWIDO: An Augmented Reality-based Mobile Application for Historical Tourism”, Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12–30, Mar. 2024.


