Comparison of Convolutional Neural Network Methods for the Classification of Maize Plant Diseases
corn disease classification, Convolutional Neural Network, Image Analysis Algorithms, Disease Detection Accuracy, Agricultural Technology InnovationAbstract
The focus of this study is the classification of maize images with common rust, gray leaf spot, blight, and healthy diseases. Various models, including ResNet50, ResNet101, Xception, VGG16, and ENet, were tested for this purpose. The dataset used for corn plant diseases is publicly available, and the data were split into separate sets for training, validation, and testing. After processing the data, the following models were identified: the Xception model epoch with an accuracy of 83.74%, the ResNet model with an accuracy of 97.19% at epoch 8/10, the ResNet101 model with an accuracy of 97.55% at epoch 10/10, and the ENet model with an accuracy of 98.69% at epoch 9/1000. ENet exhibited the highest accuracy among the five models at 98.69%. Additionally, ENet achieved an average accuracy of 95.45%, the highest among all tested models, based on the average accuracy in the confusion matrix. This research indicates that ENet performs best at processing data related to maize plant diseases. Consequently, the analysis of maize plant diseases is expected to evolve as a result of this research. Following the implementation of the system's generated model, this research will continue to explore its impact. The intention is to provide a summary of the comparative classification performance of CNN algorithms.
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