Pengukuran tingkat kesuksesan penerapan website Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) online di perguruan tinggi swasta dengan pendekatan Human Organization Technology (HOT) Fit model
admission of new students, HOT Fit, Human Organization Technology, Private Higher Education, PHE, Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru, PMB, PTS, Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, Perguruan TinggiAbstract
Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) di Jombang menerapkan proses seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) online, sehingga pendaftar cukup mendaftar melalui website PMB online milik masing-masing PTS, tanpa perlu ke Perguruan Tinggi (PT) tersebut. Namun dalam pelaksanaanya masih terdapat calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar secara langsung ke kantor PMB PTS, hal tersebut menjadikan perlunya pengukuran tingkat kesuksesan penerapan website PMB online di PTS. Selain itu, selama ini website PMB online PTS di Jombang belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilannya. HOT (Human Organization Technology) Fit model merupakan model kesuksesan yang dapat dijadikan model dalam mengevaluasi sistem informasi. Terdapat 7 variabel yang digunakan HOT Fit, yaitu kualitas sistem (system quality), kualitas informasi (information quality), kualitas layanan (service quality), pengguna sistem (system use), kepuasan pengguna (user satisfaction), manfaat (net beneFits), struktur organisasi (organization structure). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3 indikator penilaian dengan nilai kepuasan di bawah 85%, yaitu kecepatan waktu respon 76,1%; adanya fasilitas bantuan 71,6%; dan kepuasan tampilan 64,2%. Sehingga 3 indikator tersebut perlu ditingkat lagi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dan dapat mengoptimalkan penerapan website PMB online PTS di Jombang.
Private Higher Education (PHE) in Jombang apply online admission of new students selection process, so applicants simply register through admission of new students online website owned by their respective private universities, without needing to the university. But in the implementation there are still prospective students who apply directly to the office of admission of new students PHE, it makes the need to measure the success rate of admission of new students website online application in PHE. Also, so far admission of new students online website PHE in Jombang has never been evaluated to determine the success rate. HOT (Human Organization Technology) Fit model is a model of success that can be used as a model for evaluating information systems. There are seven variables used by HOT Fit, i.e., system quality, information quality, service quality, system use, user satisfaction, net beneFits, organizational structure (organization structure). The result of the research shows that there are three assessment indicators with satisfaction value below 85%, the response time is 76,1%; the availability of 71.6% of aid facilities; and 64.2% display satisfaction. So that three indicators need to be increased again to get better results and can optimize the implementation of admission of new students website online PHE in Jombang.
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