Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): January
This issue has been available online since 19th January 2021 for the regular issue of January 2021. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 25 authors from 3 countries (Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia).
Front Matter
Land-use suitability evaluation for organic rice cultivation using fuzzy-AHP ELECTRE method
Ircham Ali, Vincensius Gunawan, Kusworo AdiAbstract : 255Article : 4361-15 -
Analysis of e-learning readiness level of public and private universities in Central Java, Indonesia
Yudha Saintika, Sarah Astiti, Dwi Januarita Ardianing Kusuma, Arif Wirawan MuhammadAbstract : 338Article : 292 Rekap Data Kuesioner : 0 Rekap Data 2 : 0 Originality Report (Plagiarism C : 016-30 -
Movie recommender systems using hybrid model based on graphs with co-rated, genre, and closed caption features
Putra Pandu Adikara, Yuita Arum Sari, Sigit Adinugroho, Budi Darma SetiawanAbstract : 242Article : 39831-42 -
TOPSIS for mobile based group and personal decision support system
Ratih Kartika Dewi, Eriq Muhammad Adams Jonemaro, Agi Putra Kharisma, Najla Alia Farah, Mury Fajar DewantoroAbstract : 380Article : 49943-49 -
Identifying Degree-of-Concern on COVID-19 topics with text classification of Twitters
Novrindah Alvi Hasanah, Nanik Suciati, Diana PurwitasariAbstract : 267Article : 59950-62 -
An in-depth performance analysis of the oversampling techniques for high-class imbalanced dataset
Prasetyo Wibowo, Chastine FatichahAbstract : 308Article : 61563-71 -
Optimizing costs for vaccine control using the reorder point approach
Lenny Margaretta Huizen, Titis Handayani, Saifur Rohman Cholil, Yanti FaradilahAbstract : 220Article : 297 Turnitin cek : 072-79