Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): July
This issue has been available online since 15th April 2021 for the regular issue of July 2021. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 23 authors from 4 countries (China, Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia).
Front Matter
Use of online applications in maintaining MSMEs performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nurlinda Nurlinda, Junus Sinuraya, Asmalidar Asmalidar, Rahayu Hassan, Supriyanto SupriyantoAbstract : 443PDF : 93480-94 -
Advanced detection Denial of Service attack in the Internet of Things network based on MQTT protocol using fuzzy logic
Mochamad Soebagja Budiana, Ridha Muldina Negara, Arif Indra Irawan, Harashta Tatimma LarasatiAbstract : 259PDF : 227 Advanced Detection Denial of Ser : 0 Advanced Detection Denial of Ser : 0 Advanced Detection of Denial of : 095-106 -
E-commerce website service quality and customer loyalty using WebQual 4.0 with importance performances analysis, and structural equation model: An empirical study in Shopee
I Gusti Ngurah Satria Wijaya, Evi Triandini, Ezra Tifanie Gabriela Kabnani, Syamsul ArifinAbstract : 1063PDF : 5197107-124 -
Development of conceptual framework for cyber fraud investigation
Anisa Nur Hidayati, Imam Riadi, Erika Ramadhani, Sarah Ulfah Al AmanyAbstract : 417PDF : 1260125-135 -
Simulation of TOPSIS calculation in Discrepancy-Tat Twam Asi evaluation model
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, P. Wayan Arta SuyasaAbstract : 215PDF : 242136-148 -
Electronic document authenticity verification of diploma and transcript using smart contract on Ethereum blockchain
Nero Chaniago, Parman Sukarno, Aulia Arif WardanaAbstract : 437PDF : 867149-163 -
Whats drive someone to share their knowledge? Indonesia virtual community case
Deki SatriaAbstract : 247PDF : 327164-172